AVGS Coaching for Registered Unemployed in Germany
How does an AVGS voucher work?
The cost of the coaching program is 100% covered by Agentur für Arbeit or Jobcenter if you are registered unemployed in Germany. AVGS stands for Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein. It is issued by your local Jobcenter or the Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit).
1. Check in with yourself if you're ready for coaching
If you lost your job or have been laid off recently, allow yourself some time consciously go through the periods of the grief process. You can best benefit from my coaching once you processed the intense emotions stage and feel ready to look ahead and move forward.
2. Apply for AVGS voucher form your Vermittler(in)
If possible, check with them in advance if they would support coaching with AVGS voucher.
The most common vouchers I work with are:
Orientierungscoaching, Maßnahmennummer 922/85/22, 80 UE
Leadership coaching, Maßnahme Gipfelroute, 36UE
Business Mentoring, Startup Coaching, UE varies
If you are offered a different voucher or not sure about it, please get in touch to discuss your options.
3. Book an intro call
Prepare by thinking through your story, what is your challenge, and what particular goals you'd like to reach by the end of the coaching process. I'll help you clarify your remaining questions about the process. It's also a chemistry check for us to see if we'd be a great fit working together.
4. Get approved
Receiving approval can take up to two weeks and it's not guaranteed. Once you receive the Bewilligung, we'll schedule the first session.
5. Coaching
Begin your program and level up your personal and professional life!
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