When I was interviewed in a podcast for the first time, I had little knowledge about what should I know or do in advance. Here are my learnings that can help you to prepare to be a podcast guest, get invited and have an awesome experience.

12 ideas on how to prepare to be a podcast guest:
1. Agree in the key points you plan to cover in the podcast in advance. It helps to collect ideas, and have a slight direction. Same with the takeaway and message you'd like to communicate.
2. Agree what questions the host will ask you. You can better prepare, feel more confident with the responses and can provide more value by knowing what to expect. I personally like writing an article beforehand about the topic I intend to talk about, it makes the whole conversation more comprehensive.
3. Leave room for spontaneity. Feel free to say out loud what comes to you while recording the podcast. Trust that it needs to be said out loud and somewhere, someone will listen to it and will need exactly that piece of information.
4. Have a good night's sleep, dress up in a way you radiate, take your fav crystals, jewelries or notebook with you, and show up as your best version. Shine.
5. Have a short bio ready and know how you want to be introduced.
6. Know why you want to be in that particular podcast. Creating awareness? Challenging yourself to speak publicly? Sharing your message with a wider audience?
7. Figure out who you want to talk to. Speak if you were addressing it to one particular person instead of a big audience.
8. Have fun and enjoy it!
9. Listen to a few episodes from the podcast so you know what's the overall vibe (I also assume if you're a guest, you already know the podcast - that's probably one of the reasons you want to be part of it ;)
10. Consider if you'd enjoy having a conversation with the host in a normal setting. If the answer is yes, then a podcast can be a good idea, too.
11. Ask for more info in terms of logistics from the host: How much time will it take? Where is it going to take place? How will it look like (for example interview, photo shooting, etc.)? What's the timeline of recording, publishing? How will they create publicity around that, where will it be posted?
12. Build the relationship with the host beforehand, have an established and easeful connection - it will come through your podcast conversation too. Basically this is also how I work as a coach and I believe in this approach for other modalities too.
Three podcasts I enjoy listening to:
Get invited into your dream podcast as a guest!
In which podcasts do you want to be interviewed?
What would be the topic you were talking about?
Write down questions you want to be asked, prepare your bio, and choose a title for the podcast!
Do you know the podcast host? If not, how could you get in touch with them?
What is the first step you'll do to create this dream a reality?