"Breathing in, I've arrived. Breathing out, I'm home." - Thich Nhat Hanh
This quote cannot be more appropriate to share with regard to Eszter Szabó who is the founder of Mindfulnesster, MBSR teacher, Wellbeing Facilitator, and host of the OneDropZen community.
We worked together with Eszter for over a year. I rarely do such long coaching engagements, this one was special in several aspects. I asked Eszter about her journey, where she started when we met and where is she now. In this interview, she shares her challenges, successes, and experience with coaching with vulnerability and courage.

Inner transformation manifesting in building an authentic life and business
During our work together, after years of going back and forth, she changed her career from being a landscape architect to a multi-passionate entrepreneur, made a decision about and managed a move to a place that gave her the opportunities she wanted, initiated challenging conversations that brought ease and appreciation into her personal relationships, started to teach and share her knowledge on multiple platforms, and held and organized wellbeing retreats in various European countries. Her sister who I knew back from university, and haven't talked to for years, sent me a surprising message about how she noticed the significant changes in Eszter's life. She also developed a responsible wardrobe and a Zen-like home that is more aligned with her values around sustainability and simplicity. Early on in our process, I guided her through a visualization. Last November a Telegram notification popped up on my phone and I saw a beautiful photo taken of her in the wilderness in the Nordics. Her exact vision became the reality. The text accompanying her message was:
“I’m the woman now, whom I wanted to be.”
You are, Eszter, indeed. You've always been and I'm grateful to be able to help you access your true self.
Enjoy reading the interview below:
What was your life like before coaching? What were your challenges?
Before I started working with Zsanett I was struggling with a negative self-image, self-criticism, and a sense of unworthiness. I was hiding and afraid of stepping out to the public both in my personal and professional life. I was afraid of failure - I thought it was better not to start. I was procrastinating, canceling, and rather doing something else. My biggest fear was failing and impostor syndrome: "Am I good enough to do this?". I was subconsciously sabotaging my projects and I was struggling with not having enough clients, not having income to support myself, and also not seeing clearly what I truly wanted.
What have you tried before that did not work?
Before starting coaching with Zsanett I participated in a fully funded mentor program for young entrepreneurs where I worked with a personal mentor, lots of specialists, and a support group, and yet, it did not work out. I did not benefit from it. Back then it felt too business-like and I had the feeling that the only thing we focus on is how to sell, sell and sell. I was missing the heart component. I also tried working on myself alone with practices like journaling, but I needed a personal connection.
Why did you decide to work with me?
It was an intuitive decision to start working with Zsanett, and it was an obvious choice from the very beginning.
What is your life like now? What has changed?
During our work together, I have moved out of my 'Golden Cage'. I am living in my own studio which also gives home to the OneDropZen community and my programs. It's also a place where I can retreat if I want. At the same time, I have the freedom and luxury of being at home in multiple places and cities. I feel abundant in my life.
I also have a good relationship with my father - which was not like that before. I am comfortable with being in the dark, I have faith and learned to trust the process.
What insight made the biggest difference in your life?
An insight I got is that I AM HOME. After a long and really difficult (inner) journey, I finally feel that I've arrived, I'm home within. My inner child found her place in me, which brings me calmness and contentment.
I am a new person now in a completely different living and working situation. A grown-up WOMAN and a businesswoman led by her heart and intuition. I am also confident that I can continue it on my own without our work together. I internalized my inner coach, and you taught me that! Thank you!
Thank you, Eszter, for showing up with your full and bold presence in our partnership, investing in yourself, and doing the work.
I believe that you're ready when you're ready. You'll know exactly when it's time. This inner knowingness is rather a feeling than a thought. Whenever you have that feeling, here are three ways to change your reality:
Commit to being yourself, and move to the next stage in your life. Apply now for 1-1 coaching starting in Q2 or Q3. I've two spots left to start in April.
Feel it in your bones that you're enough. Get clarity about what's next on your professional path and gain confidence in yourself. I'll run my Reinvent Yourself program in a group-coaching format starting in May. Book a chat if you're interested.
Rewrite your beliefs and shift your mindset around work by using this workbook.
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